May 2024 May 2024 | Page 8

The board and committee has thoughtfully planned changes at the local park


A8 May 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Edith Green Park

The board and committee has thoughtfully planned changes at the local park

By KATHY HARP Charbonneau resident
New covered areas like this one at Edith Green Park are a part of the new features at the park in Charbonneau .
Edith Green Park was dedicated as a sports park over 10 years ago in honor of Edith Green and her work to develop Title IX ( Equal Opportunity in Education ). Green was the second Oregon woman to be elected to the U . S . House of Representatives and served a total of 10 terms , from 1955 to 1974 . Green was a resident of Charbonneau many years ago .
In 2019 , a group of residents asked the Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors if the park could be an off-leash area for dogs . Previously , the park had been used as an unauthorized dog area and CCC staff received numerous complaints of dogs not under voice command of their owners , running across the street and people not picking up after their dogs . The board agreed to allow the park to be an off-leash area , creating clear and strict guidelines that were posted for off-leash dogs . Board expectations and Wilsonville city ordinance require owners to keep dogs under control at all times . At the time of this decision , there were no other plans for the park .
In July 2021 , the board ’ s Pickleball Subcommittee made a recommendation to build four outdoor Pickleball Courts at Edith Green Park . For several months the board listened to residents and their concerns regarding this recommendation . It was ultimately decided to cover the outdoor tennis courts , adding pickleball and creating a Sports Center . During this time , residents shared many other ideas regarding the use of the park and , as a result , the Edith Green Park Committee was established .
In December 2021 , BerryDunn / GreenPlay , LLC , was awarded the contract to present plans to the
Pam Hanlon , who is a resident at SpringRidge at Charbonneau , walks with her dog , Zoey , at the new fenced area of the dog park in Charbonneau .
Charbonneau community for the reimagining of Edith Green Park . They began gathering information through several focus group sessions . These were conducted virtually due to the COVID restrictions at that time with more than 80 residents participating . The information gathered during the initial engagements was used to develop a Needs Assessment Survey . The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback to better understand the community ’ s needs and desires related to the potential reimagining of Edith Green Park . There were 632 residents who completed the survey , which provided valuable information for the project team . Upon completion of the community outreach , GreenPlay and SERA Design began the process of working with the CCC Park Committee to develop several scenarios for Edith Green Park . Upon further discussions with the Park Committee , additional changes were made and a final concept plan was presented . A follow-up survey on the proposed Edith Green Park Concept was then sent . Those survey results were : 57 % liked the new park concept , 24 % simply asked questions or made suggestions and 19 % stated
A new bocce ball court was built at Edith Green Park in Charbonneau .
they wanted little or no improvements . The plan was developed to meet the current demographics of CCC residents with a goal of accommodating more activities and uses for a larger segment of our residents . A copy of the complete report is posted on the CCC website .
Dan Jenkins of SERA Design , a landscape architect firm , was asked to continue working with the Park Committee . There were many tasks to complete before any actual changes could be made . First items that needed attention were a park land survey , park topographical survey , and the permitting process for the city . In the past year , the plan has changed several times due to resident input and / or cost . A wonderful multifaceted park is now coming together .
Today , the park has a concrete walking path through the middle , which is wide enough to accommodate golf carts . There is parking for golf carts near the new bocce courts . Along with the addition of bocce ball , a new adjustable basketball net was added and the sports court was resurfaced . A large fenced-in area now defines the off-leash dog area . An evergreen hedge will line the area between the walking path and the fence . Two shelters have been constructed . The larger one is 17 ’ X 25 ’ and has two picnic areas and a large moveable bench . The smaller shelter is 10 ’ X 20 ’ and has an ADA picnic area and a moveable bench . The two benches on each side of the bocce courts were donated by the tennis club from their facility .
There are plans to add native grasses along the area bordering the field and shade trees near the smaller shelter . Edith Green Park was the topic of a CCC Fireside Chat in October 2023 as residents continued to add input . The EG Park Committee invited interested residents to a meeting to share ideas on other activities / equipment they would enjoy having in the park . About 15 residents attended this meeting , which was held in March . A “ Wish List ” has been started and continues to grow . Ideas can be emailed to : vicepresident @ charbonneaucountryclub . com . As the weather continues to get warmer , it is exciting to see the variety of activities residents are now enjoying at Edith Green Park .
Kathy Harp is the vice president of the Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors and has served as the chair of the Edith Green Park Committee since it was formed in 2021 .