8 - May - 2023 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin , Amber Duncanson , Julia Northwick , Lori Taylor , Keith Sather , Steve Bobzin , Kevin Berger , Paul Hansen , Julie Gintner , Ann Goebel
Members Absent : Rachel Duenow Meeting was called to order by President Lynn-Ellen St . Martin at 2:00 PM Public Open Comment : None
Secretary ’ s Report : Leslie Mason Motion made by Marlys Mooney ( Buffalo Saddle Club ), seconded by Cindy Ladd ( Over Easy Riders ) to approve the October 30 th 2022 , General Meeting Minutes . Motion carried unanimously .
Treasurer ’ s Report : Arlene Bayer
As of 12 / 31 / 22 Checking $ 17,977.06 CD ’ s-Minnco CU $ 81,928.20
$ 99,905.26
Balance Sheet and Income Statement was presented , YTD Net Income ( Loss ) is ($ 26,155.92 ). The loss from the 2022 Champ Show was ($ 1,996.59 ). Motion made by Roy Johnson ( Owatonna Saddle Club ), seconded by Alaina Dettling ( Cannon Falls Ridge Riders ), to accept the Treasurer ’ s Report subject to audit from December 31 , 2022 . Motion carried unanimously .
Correspondence : Received a total of 159 club renewals for 2023 .
Committee Reports :
Championship Horse Show : James Duenow Absent . Have added six new Ranch classes , Ranch Pleasure and Ranch Riding in the Junior , Senior , and Senior Plus Divisions . The committee thinks the additions of the Western Pleasure and English Pleasure jackpot classes will be a hit . For the games portion we have added the Sidepot 5D Barrels , Sidepot Futurity Barrels , and Sidepot Derby Barrels . Will be making changes on how we manage the ground every morning to ensure that we will be giving safe consistent ground to all the competitors . Have also added adaptive riding classes to the show that will be held in the Compeer Arena . The complete showbill and guidelines to the new classes can be found in the March Spotlight . Ribbons have been ordered and have now shifted our focus to sponsorships . The 2023 budgeted expenses are in excess of $ 200,000 and they will continue to rise . We are asking for everyone ’ s help in procuring class sponsorships .
Computer : Jake Flodquist Absent . Nothing to report .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney The Flying E ’ s would like to do an exhibition at the MN State Fair this year , they will have a drill team . Wright Saddle Club will have both Drills and Squares at the State Fair .
Futurity : Renee Lee Absent . The Judges Committee will be meeting in April to start making plans . Lynn will be sitting in on the meetings . Will be working on guidelines for longe-line classes . Will streamline sponsorships with Futurity and Champ Show .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . New e-mail address is wscahistorian @ gmail . com
Judges : Kim Ziegler Redoing the Judge Applicant test to be in alignment with the rulebook . There are 5 applicants : Jennifer Andrist , Lori Ricigliano , Rebecca Solberg , Christine Quade , and Ashley Zutz . If the applicants pass , they will be invited to the Judging and Clinic the following day . The Judges Clinic will be combined with 4H on March 24 / 25 at the Leatherdale Equine Center . Scott Neuman will be the clinician . Judges ’ awards will be re-instated and service pins will be awarded . A distinguished award will be presented to Doug Jensen who has been a Judge since 1970 .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Absent . WSCA Cash Raffle Fundraiser is going great . Thank you to all who have supported and purchased a ticket and also to the Board Members / Committee Members / Royalty that have been busy selling . The drawing will take place on Saturday , May 6 , 2023 at Arena Trailer Sales in Cannon Falls . Drawing is limited to 300 tickets . If all 300 tickets are sold , WSCF will match the funds raised . That is an additional $ 10,000 on behalf of WSCF to be used for the 2023 Champ Show payout !
WSCA Sponsorship , Advertising and Vendor forms for Champ Show are in the March 2023 Spotlight and on wsca . org . If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring the Champ Show please reach out or refer them to the information . With the increasing costs of Champ Show , sponsorships are extremely important .
Facebook continues to be a wonderful way to communicate with our members and get the work out about WSCA . The Champ Show showbill post reached over 15,000 and the Cash Raffle post reached over 7,500 . We currently have almost 5,000 followers on the Facebook page .
The WSCA digital Spotlight and WSCA ondeck also continue to play key roles in communicating to our members . The WSCA Digital Spotlight is free , go to wsca . org and click on the digital Spotlight link on the top of the page to subscribe . Saddle Clubs that wish to advertise their shows , it is only $ 25 for a Spotlight & Ondeck Showbill .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Reminder to reach out to people that might be interested in becoming a Board Member .