MAY 2021 BAR BULLETIN MAY 2021 | Page 14




Chartering the Path Unknown , How the New Road to Bench Academy Hopes to Assist Diverse Attorneys with Their Pathway to the Judiciary

Diversity in the judiciary is essential to ensuring impartiality , promoting fairness , and instilling public confidence in our judiciary . In that spirit , in 2006 , Judge Bradley Harper created the official “ Road to the Bench ” Program . At the time , Judge Harper was President of the F . Malcolm Cunningham Sr . Bar Association (“ FMCBA ”) and began the program to encourage diverse applicants to seek election and apply for judicial appointments . Through his leadership and the leadership of Lynn Solomon , a later successor as President of the FMCBA , the Road to the Bench Program subsequently expanded by partnering with the Palm Beach County Bar Association . The program ' s goal was to educate lawyers about the judicial appointment process and the election process . It accomplished that goal by featuring local judges and Judicial Nominating Commission ( JNC ) members who shared their insight about the two pathways to the bench .
( L-R ) Judge Edward Rodgers & Judge Bradley Harper
Fifteen years later , the program is still thriving and has now evolved into the Road to the Bench Academy (“ Academy ”). Lawonda Warren , Co-Chair of the Palm Beach County Bar Association ' s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion , envisioned transforming the Road to the Bench Program from a single CLE event to a formal academy . Ms . Warren wanted the
Academy to dive deeper into specific topics related to both processes that could not be thoroughly covered in a CLE program . Ms . Warren also understood the importance of diversity on the bench and wanted to encourage diverse candidates to seek judgeships . With that vision , the Academy welcomed its inaugural class this February , attracting participants from Palm Beach , Broward , and Miami-Dade counties . Its participants brought with them varied legal backgrounds and experience , all with the common goal - aspirations for a seat on the bench .
The Academy is a six-week , nonpartisan , comprehensive program . Each week , participants receive training and mentorship on various topics ranging from building their brand to running a campaign to the essential elements of an effective and successful JNC application . Each session features presentations led by judges , JNC members , campaign managers , and prominent lawyers in the community . These sessions afford participants the unique opportunity to have intimate and honest discussions about the judicial appointment and judicial election process . Adriana Lopez , an Assistant Statewide Prosecutor and recent Academy graduate , expressed that one would indeed be at a disadvantage without this crucial and invaluable information . Janice Haywood , Assistant Chief Counsel for the United States Department of Homeland Security , is another recent Academy graduate . She applied intending to gain practical advice from judges regarding what they did to prepare to run or apply for such an important position and their experiences .
One of the challenges faced by those seeking to embark on this journey is the unknown . Robert J . Harvey , a founding partner of West Palm Beach law firm Jenks & Harvey LLP and Chair of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit JNC , describes the judicial appointment process as daunting . He stresses that individuals must understand that this endeavor requires excellent preparation , which starts well in advance of an open seat announcement . The application should essentially be completed prior to the announcement . Most importantly , Mr . Harvey emphasizes that " your goal is not to become a name on the list ; your goal is to become a judge ."
Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer , who presides over a Circuit Court Civil division and who ran a successful campaign in 2014 , truly believes that this is an important program . " Both paths , election and appointment , are equally arduous in their own way . The tools and insight from those who have traveled the road to the bench and learning about the network that helped them get there can make all the difference ." I also had the honor of participating in this inaugural class . I chose to apply to the Academy with the hope of gaining valuable knowledge to build a stronger foundation for a successful path to the bench . As a Haitian-American woman , I am keenly aware of the importance of diversity in the judiciary as there are very few judges who look like me . Minorities and women are significantly underrepresented on the bench . My fellow Academy classmate Alex Saiz , who heads a law firm in Miami , believes diversity is crucial because judges are the personification of our system of laws . He believes that the bench should be as diverse as the community it serves .
The inaugural Road to the Bench Academy class consisted of thirteen ( 13 ) graduates and the graduation was held on March 30 , 2021 . Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince served as the commencement speaker . Ms . Warren hopes that this academy will continue and will inspire lawyers of diverse backgrounds to seek judicial seats . In her own words , " diversity on the bench is crucial and beneficial to our legal profession and the overall community ."
Danielle Sherriff is an Assistant State Attorney who serves as Chief of the Traffic Homicide Unit in the Office of the State Attorney . She is a graduate of the Florida State University College of Law . Ms . Sherriff is President-Elect of the PBC Chapter of the Florida Association of Women Lawyers and a past president of the F . Malcolm Cunningham Sr . Bar Association .