Law Day Webinar : Expect to be Inspired !
Celeste N . Bowers Author and Motivational Speaker
Thursday , May 6 , 2021
Noon to 1:00 p . m . On Zoom
When someone says they are stuck and cannot move , that feeling is real . People may offer advice and share solutions , yet the truth is we all move differently through grief at our own pace . Losing a child exacerbates that stuck feeling as everything falls out of order . Although everything seemed out of order to Celeste when her ten-year-old daughter passed away from cancer , she will share how “ out of order ” can mentally be turned into a picture of new hope and purpose . Celeste will make you laugh , too !
About the speaker : Celeste N . Bowers graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in communications . She currently lives in Hungtington Beach , CA with her husband and son and is the author of two books If there ’ s a Mailbox in Heaven and When Your Voice Became Mine . Celeste speaks to groups throughout the country on Mental Health Healing and looks forward to speaking to members of the Palm Beach County Bar Association !
RSVP ONLINE @ PALMBEACHBAR . ORG https :// pbcba . intouchondemand . com / aaeventinfo . aspx ? eventid = 29951
Cost : PBCBA members $ 15.00 Judges are complimentary Attorneys who are not PBCBA members $ 25.00
CLE credit including Mental Illness 1.0 ; General 1.0 ; and Marital and Family 2.0 , plus you could win a signed autographed book !