May 2019 - The English Times May Newspaper | Page 9
Plastic is a product that we see
everywhere. Basically everything contains
plastic. From the cup that we drink coffee
from in the cafeteria to the chair that we sit
in at school, from the water bottle we take
to the gym to the chip inside our phone.
Although plastic is a cheaper component, it
is not a good deal for the environment.
Plastic is a product that has a long life
duration, as it takes thousands of years for
the particles to decompose and many of
them can be toxic and harmful to the
environment. All of the plastics that have
been produced until today are still with us or seven years, there is a charge for plastic
on the planet and only 5% of it is recycled; cups and utensils if they were for extra use.
the rest is thrown away and goes to This measure can reduce the amount of
landfills. Recycling plastic is also a difficult plastic used in school. About one year ago,
measure since their components overall are the use of plastic straws in school was
not quite recyclable. banned. The use of plastic straws caused a
In our school, plastic is commonly used. In
wave of revolution and worries coming from
the cafeteria, for example, basically every the population due to the amount of plastic
product is given and sold in plastic that goes into the ocean and harms marine
containers. Many of them are industrial life. Plastic could interfere in the feeding of
products already packed in plastic these animals, possibly being confused by the
containers in the industry. However, drinks animal as food and causing enormous
and food containers that are packaged in damage to the food chain since plastic is a
the cafeteria can be avoided and replaced toxic component for living things. However,
by more sustainable materials. plastic straws can be one of the causes of
Plastic cups are the type of containers that ocean and other environmental problems, as
are most used. Various drinks, like natural they are a small part of it, but the banishment
juices, coffee and other drinks made and of the straws is not enough to make a strong
produced by the cantina itself are provided impact and a big difference when it comes to
in this type of container. In 2012, the this problem. More actions need to be taken.
cantina banned and stopped using
In school we can take more actions. The
styrofoam cups, which are a more prohibition of plastic cups and or other plastic
sustainable type of plastic, to serve hot containers can be a start. Plastic cups can be
drinks and started to serve these drinks in easily replaced by paper cups, which are
regular plastic cups. Even though styrofoam more eco friendly, being mostly made by a
is plastic, it can be recycled and can component that is recyclable, although paper
reduce the quantity of cups used, since you cups sold these days are not 100% recyclable.
need more than one regular plastic cup to
Implementing this measure in our school is
serve a hot drink. However, styrofoam is still an important action. Plastic pollution is a
not a good alternative. huge problem that is growing bigger each
Styrofoam cups are not the only goods
that the cafeteria banished. For about six
day. All types of actions should be taken.