May 2019 - The English Times May Newspaper | Page 8

GIOVANNA CRUZ The beverages offered by Colegio Santo Agostinho’s canteen are sold in plastic cups, and together with the drinks comes a dying because of the ingestion of this material. In 2009, Bonnie Monteleone, together with plastic straw. Two plastic materials are Algalita Marine Research Foundation, wasted from only one drink as cups and conducted a 10-year resampling of the North straws are made to be disposable. In this Pacific Gyre, quantifying the rate of plastic. school, there are more than 3000 students As a result, they could estimate the existence - not including the employees, who of 34,400 metric tons of microplastic in the represent at least water. The microplastics are smaller particles ¼ of the total school population – who can buy the products of plastic that are eaten by marine living offered by the canteen. All of this means a beings, such as fish, crabs and plankton. The huge waste of plastic. ingestion can lead to their death and A viable alternative to reducing this waste generate the process of bioaccumulation (the of plastic is to change the material of the plastic absorbs free floating chemicals, and cups. Instead of selling juices in plastic these toxins migrate to animals’ muscles and cups, the canteen can sell paper cups and fatty tissues when ingested). abandon the use of straws. Paper cups are In addition, in a recent study published in adopted by fast food brands such as Scientific Reports, University of California Burger King and McDonald’s and can be researchers examined 76 fished slated for easily implemented inside the school. In human consumption in Indonesia and 64 in order to do this, it is only necessary to California. They found that in both groups, change the supplier of the canteen's cups one quarter had plastic particles in their guts. to another one that sells paper cups, or if In addition, marine scientists from the this same supplier sells the paper ones, National University of Ireland found that 73% choose to buy this new option. of deep-water fish, out of a sample of 233, The logic of plastic usage is wrong: we produce disposable products out of a material that doesn’t degrade. Therefore, we are always introducing a foreign material to the environment, if we don’t recycle, thus causing several bad consequences for the global ecosystem. According to the website “”, more than half a billion plastic straws are used every day around the world and 500 billion plastic cups are used every year by the global population. The problems are visible in the present moment, and they are increasing each second. It’s more than time to make people conscience about this issue, as almost all marine ecosystems are contaminated with plastic, and thousands of animals are from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean had microplastics in their stomachs. IT IS MORE THAN TIME TO BAN THE USE OF STRAWS AND PLASTIC CUPS