Friday , May 13 , 2016 The Colebrook Chronicle Page 13
Around The Region
At 7:50 a . m ., there was no doubt that this would be another successful Refugee Sponsorship Sale by Bishops / Champlain . Corey Bellam photo .
A full house converging on a countless amount of treasures . Corey Bellam photo .
The historic Sawyerville Hotel will be entering a new era with the departure of current owners Carole Vincelette and France d ' Amour . The establishment has now passed into the hands of Jean Sebastien Bachand from Sainte Catherine de Hatley . Corey Bellam photo .
The WB Scott arena on the Bishops University Campus in Lennoxville sprang to life this past Saturday morning at 8 a . m . with the Bishops University / Champlain College Refugee Student Sponsorship Garage Sale . People were lined up outside the arena around 6 a . m . awaiting the opening of the doors to a packed house of items ranging from the smallest thing right up to furniture . At 8 a . m . the doors swung open and hundreds of people converged on the treasures that filled the arena . They found furniture , household items , toys , clothing , sports items and just about everything in between .
This event all got started in 1998 , according to organizer Heather Thomson , when they sponsored a student that had a child and he needed extra money to bring the child over with him . They held a sale and it has grown ever since . This sale has become one of the largest fundraisers that this University / College does every year . The goal this year is to bring four students over in the fall to attend Champlain College or Bishops University . Over the years this group has brought over 40 students that are escaping war-torn areas and want to continue their education in Lennoxville , Que .
The doors swung open at 8 a . m . and the fundraising began . It wasn ' t long until the arena was full of people and the money started coming in . We ’ re sure they surpassed their goal , and these four students will enjoy Lennoxville this fall .
– Corey Bellam
END OF AN ERA FOR SAWYERVILLE HOTEL Friday , April 22 , the Happy Hour was a bittersweet one at the historic old Sawyerville Hotel , or as it is better known , Cretes Hotel . It was a farewell party for co-owners Carole Vincelette and France d ' Amour . These two ladies have owned and operated the Sawyerville Hotel for the past 11 years and left on May 2 . These two ladies have learned the traditions of small town Sawyerville from the annual St . Patrick ’ s Day with green beer and the hotel filled with song right up to the annual Remembrance Day dinner on Nov . 11 filled with homemade pea soup and sandwiches . They held countless parties that this old building would be bursting at the seams with music and laughter .
In August of 2005 , they bought this landmark from the family of the late great Andre Crete that everyone knew so well . This old landmark got its start back in 1864 and was a very popular place to stop in and wet your whistle . It was the Sawyerville meeting place and very often referred to as “ The Office ,” and a lot of good ( and not so good ) deals were made at The Office .
When asked what Carole and France were going to do next , we were told that they were going to catch their breath for a while and maybe travel some . Carole is going to focus more on her Jazz- Blues career , as she is a musician / songwriter . She already has many shows lined up . During those 11 years , this duo have done many good things such as opening the outdoor pool for all to enjoy , painted the interior , restored the old furniture and light fixtures throughout the building . The improvements they did earned the Sawyerville Hotel an extra star from Tourism Quebec . This three story building certainly has a story to tell .
When this old photo taker first started going in the hotel , Andre Crette was owner . This bar was full most days with stories and fun . Many of the old families like Laroche , Baker , Bennett , Bellam and many others kept this place full all the time . We can remember some rough times in there , too . Some upsets in there were very interesting , and sometimes kind of funny . The owner would open the door , and out they flew .
The new owner is Jean Sebastian Bachand from Sainte Catherine de Hatley , and he took over on May 2 . We ’ re sure the new owner will be supported by the community .
– Corey Bellam
The Berlin and Coos County Historical Society will hold its first barn sale of the 2016 season on Saturday , May 28 , in the historic Brown Company barns . The barns are located on the East Milan Road in Berlin , about one mile north of the hospital entrance and directly across from the state prison entrance . As usual , this huge sale will take place rain or shine from 8 a . m . to 3 p . m .
For Opening Day , there is a good selection of lamps , both table and ceiling , some of them new . A wide variety of linens has come in over the winter . Look for blankets and quilts on the spotlight table and a whole host of other cloth items in the linen room . The Children ' s Department has also been expanded .
All the furniture is now located on the lower level of the larger barn . There are tables , desks , and especially chairs of all shapes and sizes . Also , the larger pictures and now there . While at the larger barn , take the time to view the exhibit on the main level .
Museum Gift Shop items will be available for purchase in the
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