Maximum Yield USA February/March 2020 | Page 53

Any words of wisdom you’d like to share? The gardening industry is so vast, yet we tend to focus on one crop when there are so many different angles for anyone to journey down. Don’t get held down by one crop — diversify. Even if that one crop is the bread winner, choose to grow other things especially if you’re in soil. The diversification will only lead to an improved environment for you and your family and for your bread-winning crop. Let’s learn from the monocropping industry and find ways to improve agriculture, horticulture, or just simple gardening. Share a favorite story from a day on the job. Has to be when my daughters would help bottle samples and at the same time pretending the bottles were people getting ready for work – drinking (filling), then putting their “cap” on, getting dressed (label) and getting on the bus (boxing). It must be great getting to work with your family. I can be direct with them and they don’t quit. We love getting lunch together and we really work together very well (a crossover from farming together). Every box that goes out gets a prayer, not only that they would survive shipping, but that they’d come with a blessing to each distributor, store owner, and customer. “ The involvement with our customer base makes South Cascade Organics what it is and without them we are not a company.” Maximum Yield 53