Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Page 36

“ The vegetative stage can last one to four months , or even indefinitely in the case of mother plants .”
Vegetative Stage
After a few weeks as seedlings , your cannabis plants will outgrow their starter pots and start demanding more food and light . The roots and foliage grow rapidly during this stage , which allows the plant to take in more nutrients and carbon dioxide . Don ’ t be surprised if your plant shoots up two inches in one day ! If you don ’ t already know , this is when you ’ ll be able to identify whether you are growing an indica or sativa . Indicas tend to be short and bushy , while sativas are lanky with less foliage . You will also be able to identify the sex of your plants . About four weeks into the veg cycle , pre-flowers start to appear . By six weeks in , you should be able to determine whether those new buds are male or female . Most growers remove the males from their garden , so they don ’ t pollinate the females and cause seeds to form .
When growing indoors , the vegetative stage can last one to four months , or even indefinitely in the case of mother plants . You control the length of this phase by the number of hours of light you give your plants . As long as they receive 18 hours , they will remain in this stage . During the vegetative stage , you ’ ll need to trade in your fluorescent lights for a metal halide or powerful LED . This blue light mimics the light in spring and sends the message to grow roots and foliage to prepare for the flowers . If you haven ’ t already , transplant your cannabis into larger pots and start feeding them more . As they grow , be mindful you will need to increase the PPM of your nutrient solution and transplant them into larger pots as needed . At this age , your plants need high levels of nitrogen and modest amounts of phosphorus and potassium . Silicon is also beneficial at this stage because it helps to build strength in the stalk and stems , which you ’ ll need to support those big buds that will soon grow . As your plants grow taller and fill out , you ’ ll need to start pruning and training them . This focuses their energy on growing large colas , opens up the plant so light can reach all the leaves , and prevents fungal diseases by increasing air flow . The general rule of thumb is to flip the lights to 12 / 12 and trigger the bloom cycle when your plants are about one third of the size you want them to be at harvest .
Professional growers will not use just any lamps to get results . They require specialty grade lamps to maximize their growth and profits . This is why professionals choose European Made specialty lamps from USHIO .
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36 Maximum Yield