Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Page 35

Cotton Candy Grapes photo by Kyle LeGrow taken for High Voltage Extracts
Germination Stage
It all begins with a seed . If stored in cool , dark conditions , a cannabis seed can remain viable for years . The best seeds are hard and dry and will be light to dark brown in color . Underdeveloped seeds tend to be soft and either white or green . It ’ s very unlikely these seeds will germinate . The seed lies dormant until it is exposed to warmth and moisture . You can germinate your seeds by planting them in a moistened seedling starter mix , covered with plastic and placed on a heat mat . It is important to use a seed-starting mix instead of potting soil . There is enough nutrition in a seed to feed a sprout for about two to three weeks . Any additional fertilizer can burn your plants at this tender age . Once planted , a seed can take five to 10 days to sprout . Once your seeds have sprouted , the two seedling leaves will be the first to appear . Place a fluorescent grow light about two inches from the top of your plants for 18 hours per day . You don ’ t need a powerful light for them in the beginning . When the true leaves appear , your little plants can officially be considered a seedling .
Seedling Stage
The seedling stage of cannabis plant lasts three to six weeks , depending on environmental factors and the strain you ’ re growing . During this time , your seedlings are focusing their energy on growing roots and foliage . Because the roots are so small , be careful not to overfeed or overwater . Use a fertilizer high in nitrogen and be sure to dilute it so you don ’ t harm your plants .
“ Each phase requires different nutrients , hours of light , and type of light .”
Fluorescent lights still work well at this point . Set your timer so the lights are on for 18 hours and off for six . Seedlings are susceptible to pests and disease at this age , so this is a good time to apply a preventative neem oil treatment . It ’ s much easier to prevent spider mites and powdery mildew than to treat them while your plants are so young . If they do get infested or infected at this age , the stress on your plants will likely produce a smaller harvest down the line .
Maximum Yield 35