Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 52

How odd must I look , a woman in her mid-40s , standing here on a busy sidewalk eating from a beaming green and purple baggy featuring cartoon worms with red eyes ?”
extracted and CONCENTRATED
by Karen Lloyd Colourful and tasty , Drip Drop gummies are like fresh lemonade on a dry , hot summer day .

Drip Drop sour gummy worms are almost the perfect snack to pack for a psychedelic stroll along the Danforth , or anywhere busy , really . I popped one in my kitchen before heading up to the Danny , then another whilst waiting for a streetcar , and a third upon arrival at the Danforth . The sour flavour is thirst quenching with a slightly bitter aftertaste . Like fresh lemonade on a dry , hot day , these guys only left me wanting more . It had been a while since I consumed THC-infused edibles , so it wasn ’ t long before everything and everyone around me became slightly more vivid and vibrant . The summer afternoon sky was extra blue , the peonies I stopped to smell were sweeter and even though my mode of transport didn ’ t make me wait long , I wouldn ’ t have cared if it did thanks to dreamy little Drip Drop worms . Every wiggly worm in the pack of 13 contained roughly 40mg of THC . Other ingredients include corn syrup , beet sugar , citric acid ( for shelf life ), and food colouring ( for the brightest blue , yellow , and red hues ). While I could easily and discreetly store the cannabis-infused gummy worms in my purse for the road trip , I ’ m not convinced they were completely inconspicuous . “ How odd must I look , a woman in her mid-40s , standing here on a busy sidewalk eating from a beaming green and purple baggy featuring cartoon worms with red eyes ?” I wondered , but also couldn ’ t help myself . Danforth Avenue was buzzing and my state of mind needed to match .

While the Government of Canada has strict guidelines for cannabis packaging , the Mississauga of the Credit Medicine Wheel dispensary can bypass these rules . As a sovereign Indigenous Cannabis Dispensary , the Medicine Wheel can sell cannabis strains not typically found at Canada ’ s legal dispensaries , including pre-roll singles ( how user-friendly is that ?) and edibles with a much higher THC content than what ’ s currently available in legal cannabis retail stores across the country . In Canada , the legal limit is 10mg for a package of THC edibles .
While I ‌appreciated being able to access my cannabis edibles without cutting and tearing through copious amounts of child proof packaging , I would have preferred them to be contained with more foresight . Perhaps , as an adult and not a 12-year-old kid , I would have felt more comfortable and less awkward standing there on the busy avenue with something nondescript . After all , a significant advantage of cannabis edibles over flower is their ability to be consumed in public without drawing unwanted attention from others .
OOPS ! In the May / June edition of Maximum Yield Cannabis , the featured gummy company was misspelled . Gummies from Fritz ’ s Cannabis Company were featured .
Karen Lloyd is a website designer , writer , and SEO specialist in Toronto . Since 2011 , Karen has helped numerous small businesses feature their products and services online . She ’ s excited to put her pen to paper for Maximum Yield and profile North America ’ s top dispensaries and strains as a path to wellness .
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