Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 51

How Long will Decarboxylated Weed Keep ?
You should aim to use your decarbed cannabis within three to six months , a year tops ! After this , the THC will begin to naturally degrade and transform into the sleepy cannabinoid CBN , which will give you a very tired high .
What About Odours ?
Decarboxylating cannabis will produce an unavoidable and potent odour , like anything you put in an oven . If you are trying to do it discreetly , this can be a problem . Obviously , you can open windows and doors , but this is not an option if you have close neighbours who may catch a whiff and object . It is possible to buy silicon baking boxes that you can seal and put in the oven , especially for decarbing cannabis . These are an excellent option to reduce tell-tale smells significantly . Additionally , turn on your extractor fan over your oven if you have one and invest in an indoor air filter or some heavy-duty odor neutralizers .
Accidental Decarboxylation
Oxygen can contribute to some decarboxylation occurring naturally over time when you are drying and curing homegrown cannabis . If you do not intend to cook with your weed , once you have dried and cured your flower to the required standard , store it in an airtight container . This will stop further decarboxylation before consuming it . Otherwise , you will find it lacks freshness and potency over time . Now you know how to decarboxylate cannabis properly . You are ready to use it in any recipe or make topical applications . A final word of warning here , though . Approach with caution whenever you consume homemade cannabis products . Although you can decarb your cannabis well , you still have no definitive proof of how strong your final product will be .
It is very challenging to determine the exact potency of cannabis edibles due to the number of variables involved . I highly recommend microdosing until you have experienced the effects and understand the potency of what you have made .
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