Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 47

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” Most of these methods were developed to flatten the canopy for even lighting under lamps hung above the plants .”



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Screen of Green ( SCRoG )
Screen of green is a form of LST where netting is strung in a flat horizontal plane and branches are trained so the growth tips ( and later buds ) are all at the same height . If done methodically , SCRoG can be fairly labour intensive , but benefits can be had even without perfection in the training .
Not all styles rely on removing ( or moving ) the top cola . The goal of lollypopping is to wind up with a single large bud on a stick ( stem ) like a lollypop . Any side branching is removed and plants are flipped from growth lighting to flowering earlier than with other techniques . This is commonly used with Sea of
Green ( lots of small plants grown quickly ) methods .
This is close to a multi-branched lollypop but less aggressive . With an even and full canopy , there exists a space below that won ’ t get enough light to be really productive . By removing the underlit foliage and twigs at the bottom of the plant , airflow can be improved and the poor-quality “ popcorn ” buds on lower stems can be avoided . This allows for the plant to focus its energy on the well-lit canopy above .
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Which method or combination of methods is best depends on the situation and desired results . Lollypopping is often combined with Sea of Green because each plant only forms a single bud . Mainlining uses a combination of pinching and LST . Screen of Green ( s ) are usually given a Brazilian as well to avoid creating a damp and still area under the screen . Most of these methods were developed to flatten the canopy for even lighting under lamps hung above the plants , however , different lighting situations may call for different training / pruning solutions .
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Maximum Yield 47