Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 46

Beaver Plastics soilless hydroponic systems .
Helping you grow Cannabis of exceptional quality .
Lettuce Rafts greenhouse production
Ideally suited for deep water culture
Sealed Surface Technology ® resists water penetration
Ensures durability and longevity
Gives growers a cost-effective system
Contact us today
Toll Free : 1-888-453-5961 Email : growerinfo @ beaverplastics . com
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BIGGER , better “ tomatoes ”

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High Stress Training ( HST , Supercropping )
The growing tip need not necessarily be removed to take advantage of auxin manipulation . If the top of the shoot is bent so it is no longer taller than the next nodes , then it loses much of its advantage over them . This is done by carefully weakening the stem by slightly crushing it between forefinger and thumb , and then bending until the branch is in horizontal line with the nodes to be encouraged . This method does cause damage and stress to the plant , and if done incorrectly can result in breaking off the branch being treated . High stress training is sometimes used as an emergency measure to correct individual branches that are growing too tall or too long .
Low Stress Training ( LST , Tie Down Training )
Similar to HST , but instead of a sharp bend at a single point , as the plant grows new growth is trained as desired while it is still pliable using string or twine . This avoids the stress and damage associated with supercropping by instead nudging the plant ’ s growth in the desired direction , but at the cost of being more labour intensive .
46 Maximum Yield