Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 42

“ Mycorrhizae is an excellent organic solution that is easy to use and will improve the strength and health of your roots .”
How To Choose A Quality Mycorrhizal Inoculant
While mycorrhizae fungi occur naturally in the soil , they will be absent for seedlings in starter plugs or young plants in indoor growing systems . The popular mediums used for these growing methods , such as coco coir , will have no natural level of mycorrhizae present . You can purchase mycorrhizal inoculants in liquid and powder forms . They are easy to use and effective . Here are some tips on what you want to look for when buying a mycorrhizal inoculant .
Fungal spores are tiny biological particles that let fungi reproduce . You will find that spores per pound may vary between mycorrhizae products . If necessary , I would almost always go for a lower spore count from a quality manufacturer . However , the quality of manufacturing and the health of the spores are just as important . For example , if the product is packed in an inappropriate way , you will lose a lot of benefits .
It ’ s not just spores in general that you are looking for , either . Precisely how many endo spores it contains is essential . This is because these spores are from endomycorrhizae . Endomycorrhizae connects with plants inside the root core , where the nutrient exchanges occur . This type of mycorrhizae establishes relationships with more than 85 percent of plant species , including herbs and edible plants .
Propagules are defined as any part of the mycorrhizal fungi that can germinate and connect with the plant roots to establish a beneficial relationship . Propagules include intraand extra-radical spores ( resistant reproductive structures , reminiscent of tiny pearls ), mycorrhizal root fragments , and the filaments that make up the mycorrhizal hyphae itself .
Hyphae lose their effectiveness quickly as a propagation agent as they are weak and have poor energy reserves . In this case , you should always look for products with a higher concentration of spores rather than propagules . Spores are much more resilient and effective than propagules . They have high energy reserves and can be stored for extended periods in the appropriate conditions .
How To Use Mycorrhizal Fungi
The symbiotic relationship materializes at the roots , so that ’ s where you need to focus the application . You can do this at every repotting stage and even as early as seed sowing . When creating a healthy and robust root network , you cannot start too early . When you ’ re repotting at later stages , sprinkle the mycorrhizal inoculant in your new medium before transferring your plant over .
Mycorrhizae is an excellent organic solution that is easy to use and will improve the strength and health of your roots . It is also impossible to apply too much mycorrhizae , so no need to be shy when you apply . Think of it as building a good solid foundation for your plants . After you have done that , anything is possible .
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42 Maximum Yield