Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 41

Mycorrhizal fungi are formed by more than 90 percent of plant species . They get their name from the Greek word mukés , meaning fungus , and rhiza , meaning roots . They have existed since plants first grew on dry land more than 450 million years ago .

Mycorrhizae form a network of filaments associated with plant roots , and draw nutrients from the soil for the plant that the root system would not otherwise be able to access . The relationship between the fungi and the plant is symbiotic . This means it is of mutual benefit to both parties . This beneficial relationship helps to stimulate plant growth and accelerate root development . A single plant growing in a one-litre pot could have more than 800 metres of fine filaments , known as the hyphae . The hyphae can squeeze past , under , around , and through all types of obstructions into the tightest of areas to access water and nutrients for the plant . It increases the surface area of the root zone . It essentially creates a large sponge of roots that can soak up an optimum amount of nutrition and water . Mycorrhizae also make the plant less sensitive to soil-borne pathogens , drought , and salinity .

The plant rewards the fungi with carbohydrates
“ and
Quote other nutrients .” in return for their efforts . The fungi utilize these carbohydrates to grow , synthesize , and excrete the glycoprotein Glomalin . The release of this glycoprotein improves soil structure and increases the amount of organic matter present in the soil . In soil that has been disturbed by agriculture or other human processes , the quantity of mycorrhizae decreases drastically . There is an insufficient presence to benefit plant growth and health significantly , hence the importance of compensating for this deficiency through commercially manufactured mycorrhizal inoculants .
The Benefits of Mycorrhizae for Plants
Depending on the plant species , growing practices , and conditions , mycorrhizae help to produce more robust and healthy plants . The benefits they provide include :
• Increasing establishment and survival at the seeding or transplanting stage .
• Increasing yields and crop quality .
• Improving tolerance to drought and soil salinity .
• Enhancing flowering and fruiting .
• Optimizing fertilizer use ( especially phosphorus ).
• Reducing the occurrence of disease .
The Benefits of Mycorrhizae on Soil Structure
Maintaining soil structure is of critical importance to preserving functions and fertility . Better soil results in :
• More effective water infiltration and water holding capacity .
• More air permeability ( aeration ).
• Better root development .
• Higher microbial activity and nutrient cycling .
• Better resistance to surface sealing ( crusts ).
• Better resistance to water or wind erosion .
• Better resistance to compaction .
Maximum Yield 41