Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 17

How Long Does THC Stay in your Body ?
According to the research , tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) can stay in the body for several days or even months . The length of time THC stays in the body or continues to show in a drug test depends on many factors including percentage of body fat and how much cannabis a person normally consumes . Drug tests can detect THC in urine , blood , and hair for many days after use , while saliva tests only detect THC for a few hours because of the way the body metabolizes THC . THC is lipid-soluble , meaning it binds to the body ’ s fat , increasing the time it takes to remove the THC completely . Research from 2017 estimates a detection window for a single joint of about three days . For people who smoke weed once a day or more , tests can find THC in their system for 30 days or longer . Urine tests can detect it for three to 30 days , while hair tests can detect it up to 90 days .
medicalnewstoday . com
Vape Use Rising Among Adolescents
Cannabis vaping is increasing as the most popular method of cannabis delivery among all adolescents in the U . S ., as is the frequency of cannabis vaping , according to research at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health . The study , published in the journal Addiction , found the frequency of vaping cannabis among adolescents from all demographic groups is reported at six or more times per month , and rising faster than occasional use . Those who vape and smoke nicotine are more than 40 times more likely to also vape and smoke cannabis . “ Heavy and frequent use of cannabis is increasing among U . S . adolescents , and vaped systems for products for both cannabis and nicotine are growing in number ,” says Katherine Keyes , PhD , professor of epidemiology at Columbia Mailman School . Past 30-day frequent cannabis use with vaping increased ( 2.1 percent to 5.4 percent ), while occasional use with vaping rose from 1.2 to 3.5 percent from 2017 to 2019 .
sciencedaily . com
Invasion Pushes Ukraine ’ s Effort to Legalize Medical Cannabis
Trauma created by Russia ’ s invasion could help push the Ukrainian government to legalize medical marijuana . Viktor Liashko , Ukraine ’ s Minister of Healthcare , noted in a recent Facebook post that Ukraine ’ s cabinet had approved a bill “ on regulating the circulation of cannabis plants for medical , industrial purposes , scientific , and scientific-technical activities to create the conditions for expanding the access of patients to the necessary treatment of cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from war .” A similar bill failed to pass last summer , but Liashko noted there will be more support this time around as Ukrainians look for ways to deal with the trauma of the war . “ We understand the negative consequences of war on the state of mental health ,” he wrote .
“ We understand the number of people who will need medical treatment as a result of this impact . And we understand that there is no time to wait .”
npr . org
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