Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 16

canna FACTS
Strain Labels Can Be Misleading
According to a study examining almost 90,000 samples across six states , cannabis strain labels aren ’ t very useful . While most enthusiasts rely on labels like indica , sativa , and hybrid to help them distinguish one category from another , the study suggests this is somewhat misleading . Researchers found that “ commercial labels do not consistently align with the observed chemical diversity ” of cannabis products . “ Our findings suggest that the prevailing labelling system is not an effective or safe way to provide information about these products ,” said co-author Brian Keegan , an assistant professor of Information Science at CU Boulder . Cannabis producers aren ’ t obligated to include other compounds on the label , despite the fact many terpenes impact how consumers feel . Furthermore , weed brands are allowed to name their products however they choose . “ A farmer can ’ t just pick up an apple and decide to call it a Red Delicious . There are standards . But that is not the case for the cannabis industry ,” said Nick Jikomes , director of science and innovation for Leafly .
benzinga . com
Scientist Engineers Cannabis Plant for more THC / CBG
Throughout the world , cannabis is gaining in popularity and legitimacy as a medical treatment for a myriad of illnesses . Now , researchers at the laboratory of Professor Alexander ( Sasha ) Vainstein at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have successfully engineered a cannabis plant with higher levels of medically important substances , such as THC . Researchers successfully increased the THC level by nearly 17 percent , and the level of CBG ( cannabigerol ) by almost 25 percent . Further , Vainstein and his team were able to increase the ratio of terpenes , which are responsible for maximizing the euphoric effects of cannabis , by 20 – 30 percent . Vanstein ’ s team accomplished this by manipulating a plant-based virus that had first been neutralized so it could not harm the plant , and then manipulating it to express the genes that influence the production of active substances in the plant . This is the first time researchers have succeeded in performing such a feat with cannabis plants .
phys . org
NY Wants Cannabis Ads on TikTok
New York marijuana regulators are asking TikTok to end its ban on advertising involving the word “ cannabis ” as they promote public education on the state ’ s move to legalize . The state ’ s Office of Cannabis Management ( OCM ) recently sent a letter to TikTok executives , urging the company to revise its advertising policy for government entities so they can freely talk about cannabis in a public health and safety context . OCM Executive Director Chris Alexander says his office has launched a “ Cannabis Conversations ” campaign to inform New Yorkers about “ who can purchase cannabis , where can you legally use cannabis , and how one can safely use cannabis , including protecting youth .” However , when OCM attempted to extend that campaign to TikTok , regulators were “ informed ( TikTok does ) not take cannabis ads of any kind , including ones from government accounts promoting health and education .” TikTok was the most widely downloaded app in 2021 , with more than one billion users .
marijuanamoment . net
16 Maximum Yield