Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 22





FOR by Kent Gruetzmacher
Each year , hydroponic equipment companies roll out new technologies for cannabis growers . While much of this equipment is first developed for commercial producers , a good deal of the technology trickles down to home growers as well . Even tent cultivators have a plethora of different choices for smart grow equipment .
hile novel indoor growing technology is exciting , it

Wisn ’ t necessarily the case that new is always better . As growers assess choices in technology , our definitions of “ must-have ” grow equipment remain somewhat subjective . Similarly , a piece of equipment a home grower can ’ t live without might not have much value to a commercial producer . Looking at today ’ s cannabis industry , it ’ s safe to say much of our go-to equipment is a blend of both old and new technology . While you can ’ t deny the importance of newer equipment like LED lighting , other technologies like pH pens haven ’ t changed much .

Environmental Controllers
No matter if you have a massive commercial grow or a small tent garden , there is really no good reason not to have an environmental controller in your growroom today . Equipment manufacturers have designed both simple and complex controllers for growrooms of all shapes and sizes . Atmospheric controllers and smart outlets can handle just about any job for home growers . In both designs , simple relay switches cut power to an outlet when temperature or humidity levels reach a certain threshold . Depending on their level of complexity , atmospheric controllers and smart outlets can be used to regulate grow lights , exhaust fans , intake fans , CO 2 burners , and dehumidifiers . On the commercial side of things , manufacturers have created atmospheric controllers with near endless features and integrations . Using mobile compatibility , digital readouts , and software integrations , commercial controllers easily manage important variables such as CO 2 levels , HVAC exchange , fertigation calendars , and grow light intensity .
22 Maximum Yield