Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 21


In the world of cannabis , Pistachio has been described as a unicorn among all the varieties , meaning it is unique and hard to find . Pistachio is a cross of Pistachio with Fortune Cookies . The Fortune Cookies genetics lend it to develop and getting super cropped to other Cookies-type strains . It has vigorous growth with branches that grow strong and tall . It has stable genetics , meaning it doesn ’ t have many variations between its phenotypes . Pistachio grows well indoors and outdoors and loves to be trained . It has a high resistance to mould and grows very well in humid environments . It has nutty , diesel hints with a pistachio ice cream undertone . Its high is described as being very relaxing with some creative thoughts . Its indica-dominant genetics make it a go-to for growers who love dense THC-covered buds . four

“ If you ’ re growing in these conditions , choose a strain that can not only tolerate heat and humidity , but can also thrive in it .”
Vietnam Black

Vietnam Black is one of the most elusive cannabis cultivars in the world . It is a pure sativa landrace originating from Vietnam and is regarded as being a difficult-to-grow strain . This is mainly due to its long flowering time and temperamental nature . Its extreme darkness makes it hard to identify nutrient deficiencies while requiring bright sunlight . Vietnam Black is best grown by experienced growers . It has many traits that Southeast Asian sativas are known for , like extremely tall growth , which can be more than two metres , with many tall side branches and thin narrow leaves . Putting up with these traits will reward you with hues of greenish-black to blue leaves . This plant can really only be appreciated in outdoor grows . It absolutely treasures hot , humid environments and requires adequate watering . Vietnam Black flowers are instantly recognizable with their dark black buds . While not dense , they are typical of sativa genetics with a sweet , spicy , cookie , and earthy flavours . This is one of my must-try and must-grow strains . five

When selecting cannabis seeds , it ’ s important to consider all the variables in your environment . The most important factor will always be what climate you ’ re growing in . For most people in tropical regions or greenhouses , humidity is the biggest killer of cannabis crops . Whether you ’ re growing commercially or at home , high humidity breeds fungus . So if you ’ re growing in these conditions , choose a strain that can not only tolerate heat and humidity , but can also thrive in it .
Maximum Yield 21