Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 15

‘ Retipping ’ Yields High-Quality Plants in Less Space
A novel method for propagating new cannabis plants works as well as traditional methods but needs less space according to a recent UConn study published in HortScience . The new method known as “ retipping ” takes cuttings from strong , disease-free mother plants that were micropropagated in laboratory-controlled settings . “ Retipping has the potential to produce nine times as many plants in a similar amount of floor space as stem cuttings from traditional stock mother plants ,” says Jessica Lubell- Brand , a professor of horticulture at UConn and principal investigator on the project . “ This method could help cultivation facilities grow more in less space while maintaining the quality of their final product .” The research involved studying the growth of plants in a greenhouse to determine if there were differences between three methods : micro cuttings , stem cuttings , and retip cuttings . While the yields were similar , retipping required the least propagation space and would potentially allow cultivators to grow more starter plants in their facilities .
— phys . org
Weed Isn ’ t Associated With ‘ Hangover ’ Effects
A new scientific review is challenging the idea there ’ s a cannabis “ hangover ” the day after use , raising questions about policies that punish drivers and people in safety-sensitive employment positions . Researchers at the University of Sydney reviewed 20 studies looking at the effects of marijuana eight hours after use , focusing on performance assessments . “ Most studies didn ’ t detect ‘ next day ’ effects of cannabis use , and the few that did had significant limitations ,” study author Danielle McCartney says . “ It appears there is limited scientific evidence to support the assertion that cannabis use impairs ‘ next day ’ performance . Though , further research is still required to address this issue .” The researchers said their findings are notable in the context of evolving policies on driving and employment for cannabis users . Some argue a person shouldn ’ t drive or work in a safety-sensitive position for at least a day after using cannabis , but the study “ found little evidence to support this recommendation .” The study will be published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research .
— marijuanamoment . net
Musk Defends ‘ 420 ’ Tweet in Lawsuit Defense
Elon Musk , facing a class-action lawsuit from Tesla shareholders in California , defended himself recently in court , saying he did not mislead investors when he tweeted in 2018 that he had “ funding secured ” at $ 420 per share for Tesla to take the electric car company private . Naturally , the $ 420 price per share caught the attention of cannabis pundits . During his testimony in January , Musk told the jury that the proposed $ 420 per share price to take Tesla private was , “ not a joke ,” and said any connections between it and references to marijuana tropes were purely a coincidence . The stock price , which had hovered above $ 340 when the markets opened that day , swung up as shareholders envisioned a tidy profit when the buyout was complete . A jury ruled Musk was not liable for misleading investors .
— gizmodo . com
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