Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 14

canna FACTS
Edmonton : City of Cannabis ?
Edmonton as a cannabis tourist destination ? Advocates in the Canadian city suggest cannabis cafés , lounges , and restaurants serving cannabisinfused dishes and desserts could become commonplace in Edmonton if they succeed in convincing governments to allow it . Nathan Mison , president of Diplomat Consulting , a communications and strategy group , believes Edmonton has the potential to become a Canadian flagship destination for cannabis tourism . “ What we ’ re talking about is ... infused made-to-order drinks from a ‘ mocktailer ’ who can actually infuse cannabis like they do with alcohol or a chef who can use cannabis as a food ingredient to create a non-inebriated experience ,” says Mison . Provinces and territories regulate the sale , possession , and consumption of cannabis . However , under the Alberta Gaming , Liquor and Cannabis Act laws , cannabis cafés and lounges are currently not allowed , an AGLC spokesperson confirmed to CBC News . The provincial legislation would have to be amended to allow people to consume cannabis at eating and drinking establishments .
— cbc . ca
Twitter Stops Suggesting ‘ Marijuana ’ Searchers May Need Drug Treatment
Twitter appears to have ended a federal partnership that presented users who searched the site for certain drug-related keywords , including “ marijuana ,” with a suggestion they consider entering drug treatment . No such suggestion had appeared for “ alcohol ” searches . Launched in 2020 , the feature has been a source of contention for advocates , who criticized Twitter for suggesting any interest in cannabis is indicative of a potential substance misuse problem while also not suggesting it for alcohol . It did not disaggregate searches for policy news and products , for example . “ Help is available . If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use , you are not alone ,” the prior warning said . It directed users to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMHSA ) help line and website . In February , the feature — which was rolled out in concert with the SAMHSA — was suspended without notice .
— marijuanamoment . net
No Risk of Increased Blood Pressure with Cannabis Use
Neither current nor past cannabis use is associated with an elevated risk of high blood pressure , according to data published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension . Investigators with Northwestern University ’ s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago assessed the relationship between cannabis use and blood pressure in a cohort of 4,565 adults and found no correlation between cannabis consumption and the likelihood of receiving a medical diagnosis for hypertension . They reported : “ When compared with non-users , respondents who indicated sustained use of cannabis were not found to have an increased likelihood of developing hypertension . Among cannabis users , the frequency of use was not associated with increased odds of hypertension diagnosis . The age that an individual first began regularly using cannabis was also not found to have an association with the odds of hypertension diagnosis . Current users were not more likely than past users to have hypertension .” Additionally , a study in Israel showed three months of treatment with cannabis reduced blood pressure .
— norml . org
14 Maximum Yield