Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 46

Butane hash oil offers a highly concentrated and powerful cannabis experience that may appeal to some users but it ’ s probably best to leave production up to an expert .” extracted and CONCENTRATED
by Karen Lloyd
You don ’ t have to be a 20-something to enjoy the quick , potent high of BHO , but you should probably leave the extraction process to a pro .

It was a late evening , my red eyes struggling to stay open , yet my taste buds had me wanting more of that buttery butane hash oil . Hanging out recently with a group of 20-somethings , I found myself learning new cannabis slang words like “ stinger ,” announcing that seagulls by the bay ( of Fundy ) should be called “ bay gulls ,” and developing a fresh appreciation for cannabis concentrates . Monty , a new acquaintance from Ontario , had generously brought some of his homemade butane hash oil ( BHO ) to share with the group and to say it impressed me is an understatement . Butane hash oil , Monty quietly explained , is a concentrated cannabis extract produced by using butane as a solvent to extract trichomes from the cannabis plant material . He said this in far fewer words , so I did some research on BHO later that week . What I found was that butane hash oil is a potent cannabis concentrate and it can take on many forms , including shatter , wax , budder , and crumble . The form it takes depends on the extraction method and processing techniques used during production . Consumption methods for BHO include vaporizing or dabbing , but it can also be added to edibles or other cannabisinfused products . The BHO Monty shared in his perfectly rolled joint had a jam-like consistency and tasted of blueberries .

7 Steps to Make Butane Hash Oil Safely at Home
1 . Collect supplies : A quarter ounce of pot , a grinder , two canisters of liquid butane , a glass dish , a double boiler , razor blades , parchment paper , and a BHO extractor .
2 . Grind your weed , but don ’ t turn it into powder .
3 . Place ( don ’ t pack ) the pot inside your butane extraction tube and then shake it lightly . The butane should saturate every bit of marijuana .
4 . Insert the nozzle of a butane canister into the single hole at the top of the BHO extractor . Spray butane into the canister until a dark greenish-brown resin oozes through the filter at the bottom . Let this drop into the glass dish .
5 . Fill the bottom of the double boiler with water and bring it to a boil . Then place the bowl on the top part of the boiler and let boil for at least an hour until all the liquid butane has boiled off ( when there are no more bubbles in the remaining resin ).
6 . Scrape the resin from the bowl with razor blades and then place onto small pieces of parchment paper , and fold .
7 . Let the oil cool and then , when it ’ s hard , you have your final product .
The evening with Monty and his BHO opened my eyes to the world of cannabis concentrates , offering a unique and potent experience compared to my usual cannabis consumption methods . As the popularity of cannabis concentrates continues to grow , it ’ s essential for users to be aware of the potential risks associated with their production and to prioritize safety when engaging with these potent products .
Butane hash oil offers a highly concentrated and powerful cannabis experience that may appeal to some users but it ’ s probably best to leave production up to an expert . As the cannabis community grows and evolves , we can look forward to the emergence of all kinds of innovative consumption methods that foster a responsible , enjoyable , and ultimately uplifting experience for everyone — even the most seasoned stoner .
Karen Lloyd is a website designer , writer , and SEO specialist in New Brunswick . Since 2011 , Karen has helped numerous small businesses feature their products and services online . She ’ s excited to put her pen to paper for Maximum Yield and profile North America ’ s top dispensaries and strains as a path to wellness .
46 Maximum Yield