Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 45

Japanese beetle adults chew the more tender parts of leaves , leaving the veins , in a process known as “ skeletonization .” This results in lacy-looking leaves that cannot then photosynthesize . They will also feed on flowers which can compromise growers looking to collect oil . Control of adult Japanese beetles is difficult . Where possible , hand picking and putting into a bucket of soapy water is the most effective control . They tend to fly away as soon as sprays are used and then will be back to feed later . Pheromone traps will catch some but attract others to the area . Control is best achieved in early spring with a grub killer on the soil .
Spider Mites
Several species of mites can bother cannabis but mostly it is the two-spotted spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae ) and the hemp russet mite ( Aculops cannabicola ). Spider mites are extremely small . Adult two-spotted spider mites are less than 0.5mm long and are so named because of a dark spot on either side of their yellow-green bodies . Hemp russet mites are smaller yet at about 0.25mm long . Spider mite damage is easy to identify even if the mites themselves are difficult to see . Affected leaves are stippled with small specks , but usually covering entire leaves . There is usually webbing around leaves or stems once the mites have “ moved in .” Leaves may curl and become brittle as well . Insecticides do not work on mites because they are not true insects . Because they are arachnids , a miticide must be used to control them . Multiple applications need to be made as life cycles can be as short as a week in warm weather , meaning repeated applications are likely to regain control .
Females overwinter already fertilized and ready to lay eggs as soon as it warms up in the spring . Mites spread easily too . They can hitch a ride on the breeze to nearby plants or be inadvertently transported by humans . They tend to favour plants that are already stressed by drought or other unfavourable conditions . Less common mites include the carmine spider mite ( T . cinnabarinus ), oriental mites ( Eutetranychus orientalis ), and privet mites ( Brevipalpus obovatus and B . rugulosus ).
Other Cannabis Pests
This roster does not reflect all possible cannabis pests , though these are the more common ones and the ones known to do the most economical damage to cannabis . They are hardly alone though . There are numerous other borers besides ECB and hemp borers , such as the Stalk borer and Burdock borer . Several species of caterpillars and cutworms feed on cannabis leaves and flowers . Zebra caterpillars , black variegated cutworms , even wooly bears are known to feed on cannabis . Budworms of various types will feed on the buds and flowers of cannabis as well . Other , sometimes minor ( but not always ) insect pests include the tarnished plant bug , potato leafhopper , flea beetles , chafers , root maggots , ants , termites , and fungus gnats . Crickets are also a nuisance to cannabis plants .
Vigilance is key to controlling insect pests in outdoor cannabis . Walk your field rows often at different times of day . At the first sign of any pest damage , consider treating before you have a full-blown outbreak on your hands .

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