Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 38

TRANSITIONING from Propagation to Veg

by Cory Hughes
The propagation stage is short but intense as it sets up your plants for success or failure in the vegetative stage . Experienced grower Cory Hughes outlines some key things to consider for when you make the transition .

So , you are getting ready to start a fresh cycle of cannabis plants . For the sake of this article , we are going to assume you are starting with fresh cut clones from a well-managed and clean mother . For those of you who are new to cultivation , a mother plant is a cannabis plant that is maintained in a perpetual vegetative state , topped sufficiently to create a wide bushlike formation . If managed correctly , a mother can provide fresh plant clipping for months or even years . In getting started , make sure you harvest and pot-up more clippings than you plan on ending up with . Throw in a couple extra for good measure just to account for any unexpected happenings or failures . Now that you have your next batch of clones ready to be planted , they will be moving into the propagation phase of the growth cycle . How you manage your clones in this phase ( and in all phases , really ) will depend largely on whether you are in a small personal grow or a large commercial facility . Either way , you must keep your clones and veg-stage plants in a separate room , away from your flowering plants . If you can separate your clones from veg-stage plants , that ’ s even better .

38 Maximum Yield