Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 14

canna FACTS
Weed Trafficking Cases Declined in 2022
Federal marijuana trafficking cases continued to decline in 2022 , according to the latest annual report from the U . S . Sentencing Commission ( USSC ). As more states have moved to legalize cannabis and federal priorities have shifted , prosecutions for cannabis-related cases have significantly dropped over the past nine years . The number of federal cannabis trafficking offenders has fallen from about 5,000 in 2013 to less than 806 last year , USSC found . The report also shows that weed cases carry the lowest sentences among the six drug types that USCC tracks , with the average sentence for a cannabis trafficking case being 33 months , compared to 94 months for methamphetamine and 65 months for fentanyl , for example . Meanwhile , federal data from Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) released in January shows cannabis seizures fell to a record low in Fiscal Year 2022 , continuing an enforcement trend that advocates attribute to the state-level legalization movement .
— marijuanamoment . net
New Cannabis Book on Laws and Racial Injustice
A new co-authored book by University of Toronto Mississauga professor Akwasi Owusu-Bempah and entrepreneur and cannabis industry leader Tahira Rehmatullah examines how harsh cannabis laws have contributed to racial injustice and how to repair the communities most affected . Waiting to Inhale illuminates how the War on Drugs has disproportionally impacted Black and Indigenous communities in the U . S . through the stories of people who are on the front lines of advocacy . “ The book really provides an overview of how drug law enforcement and the policing of drugs , especially cannabis , has been used to target Black , Indigenous , and other racialized populations ,” says Owusu-Bempah . While discussions and political campaigns about cannabis legalization have largely focused on the positive societal and economic factors , it has in most cases failed to acknowledge the injustices of the War on Drugs . Waiting to Inhale personalizes the need for criminal justice reform in the U . S . through interviews with people who have served unjust cannabis convictions .
— phys . org
Cannabis Research Pioneer Dies
Professor Raphael Mechoulam , a researcher at Hebrew University ’ s School of Pharmacy , passed away recently at the age of 92 . He was a world leader in cannabinoid research and his groundbreaking work included the isolation of tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) in the 1960s along with several other cannabinoids , as well as the discovery of endocannabinoids in the 1990s . “ Most of the human and scientific knowledge about cannabis was collected thanks to Professor Mechoulam ,” says Professor Asher Cohen , President of Hebrew University . “ He was a sharp-minded , groundbreaking , and charismatic intellectual . This is a sad day for the academic community .” Born in Sofia , Bulgaria in 1930 , and after surviving the Holocaust , Mechoulam immigrated to Israel in 1949 and began his research on cannabinoids at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in 1962 , and then joined the Hebrew University in 1966 , where he continued to study the compounds found in cannabis .
— cannabissciencetech . com
14 Maximum Yield