Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2020 | Page 57

I wanted to have the ability to provide that for my children . When I started this company , they were younger , and there was more underground culture surrounding the company . There wasn ’ t really any need or desire for them to be engaged . It ’ s interesting , though , my kids have more awareness than I do . It was solely black market when I was growing up . If you smoked , it ’ s because one of your buddies knew somebody , but you didn ’ t know anything about it . So for me , there was this moment where the kids were young and I obviously can ’ t take them to trade shows or expose them in certain areas , because I ’ m not taking them to some of these clandestine farms and locations just out of respect for my family , because some places you go to and you realise it ’ s serious . They take their operation very seriously , with tight security . But now that it ’ s changed and the culture has changed , and I ’ ve being able to bring them in . Plus , they ’ re all adults now . My oldest son is 22 and he ’ s running operations . He got a degree in business finance . My youngest son has another year , but he ’ s getting his computer science degree , which has been a great help . He gets to practise his craft here . We don ’ t have to have a full IT staff and he can handle everything remotely . My daughter is planning on becoming a doctor and in the meantime she can earn a decent living , learning life skills she might not get in that profession . She ’ s training on the press brake , working with her hands and getting this whole other side to her development . I think it ’ s very valuable . I like it for her and she appreciates it . So , I enjoy it . I ’ m glad . I wouldn ’ t have it any other way , but I mean , they ’ ll all probably grow up and go off and go do other things . But at least for the moment , we can share a relationship that ’ s really unique . It ’ s an adult relationship that many parents don ’ t get to experience .
I think the industry ’ s going the way that every other industry is , and that ’ s bigger , better , faster , more . We ’ re working on ways to increase production throughput and value , and that ’ s everybody ’ s goal . You want to start knocking down the things that get in your way while increasing your margins and value to your customers , and then of course , to your company and to your employees . And then if you have shareholders , to those guys too .
I see it becoming more automated . I see the growth accelerating . I see the acceptance of a global industry . I see consolidation happening , of course . But even with consolidation , you ’ re seeing rapid changes from our perspective . A consolidated company has a different mindset . They ’ re doing much more work . They have a different mindset about equipment and everything else , which helps us to help them streamline and move forward .
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