Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2020 | Page 53

A ventilation system ensures continuous air flow between the outside world and the indoor grow area . Ventilation systems use a combination of exhaust and intake fans , ducts , and pipes to maintain airflow . This airflow helps to stabilise the temperatures of the indoor growing environment as well as cleaning any dirty , stagnant air in the process .
Importance of Ventilation
Ventilation systems are also essential for humidity control within your growing environment . Plants work as efficient dehumidifiers naturally by themselves but when growing inside , if your environment is not properly ventilated , you will soon see problems occurring . With no air movement and exposure to high temperatures , a plant expires water vapour rapidly and there will be nothing to move it away from the plant or out of the air . If left in this state , your growroom will become very humid and damp . This in turn creates the perfect environment for mold to thrive , which can be the kiss of death for your crops and equipment . A ventilation system will work to move the humid air away from the plants and out of the environment . The plants can then breathe and take in more water ( and nutrients ) through the roots . A steady flow of fresh air keeps your medium dry , minimising the risk of insect infestations . The use of fans is also beneficial in managing the presence of any flying pests like gnats . By maintaining a breeze , it prevents them from having free access to all your plants as they find it much easier to move around in still air . Your ventilation system needs to be customised to suit your specific setup , taking everything into consideration such as the species of plant you are growing , the heat and humidity requirements , and the size of the space you are growing in , as well as the changing volume of space as your plants grow .
Ventilation Setups
There are two types of basic ventilation setups : passive and active . A passive system features one extractor fan blowing warm air out of the tent while allowing fresh air to enter through an intake hole or vent . An oscillating fan keeps air circulating and regulates the temperature within the tent . A passive system is a good choice for a small growing environment . An active intake system is a better option if you have a larger grow tent to ventilate . In an active intake system , an additional fan is used — an intake fan . An intake fan pulls fresh air into the growroom . Most types of growroom ventilation fans can be used for either intake or outtake purposes . A simple in-line duct fan is usually the most effective and popular choice and can be mounted inside or connected to ducting . To find the perfect-sized fan you need to consider the diameter and size of the fan . You want a fan that will completely replace the air inside your environment in around one minute and to do this you need to calculate the volume of your growroom . It ’ s a simple calculation : multiply your growroom ’ s length , width , and height . This gives you your cubic feet per minute ( CFM ) number and is the ratio that tells you how much air that fan can move in the space of one minute .
“ An ongoing stream of fresh air brought from the outside and passing through the growing environment is a must to keep CO 2 levels optimised , allowing the plant to perform photosynthesis and boost growth and yield .”
Ideally , you want a fan that has a higher CFM number than the volume of your growroom . This ensures the fan will extract all the inside air in less than a minute . Fan size is important , too , and needs to be correct to the size of the portals and vents on your growing area . Fan size also determines the size of the ducting you will need .
Ducting in a Growroom
Ducting has a simple yet crucial role . It is a collapsible tube running from your extraction fan , taking the warm , humid air away from the fan quickly and quietly . There are many ducting types available designed to reduce any whistling or noise created by your fans or extraction system . Wherever possible you want to have the shortest length of ducting running from your extraction fan . This is because the air will cool rapidly once it hits the ducting , and condensation may form , hindering your air extraction efficiency . Likewise , for the same reason it is important that your ducting is hung as straight as possible to avoid any small puddles of water forming in any dips or bends . You will also need to buy clamps to secure the ducting . You are looking to make an airtight , secure seal that will stand up in all conditions for the duration of your grow .
There are additional items that you can add to further enhance conditions and performance like carbon filters , which are great for scrubbing odours . However , starting off with the foundations of ventilation and getting them right is fundamental to your understanding and your future success .
Your indoor ventilation system is just as important as the lighting system or feeding regime . When you take time and pick the right equipment to maintain temperature , humidity , and CO 2 levels at a perfect range , your plant ’ s ability to photosynthesise will not be compromised and your plants will thrive in the optimal conditions needed for fast , strong growth and monster yields .
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