Maths Class 11 Chapter 14. Mathematical reasoning | Page 3

Connectives : And The compound statement with ‘ And ’ is true if all its component statements are true .
The component statement with ‘ And ’ is false if any of its component statements is false ( this includes the case that some of its component statements are false or all of its component statements are false ).
42 is divisible by 5 , 6 and 7 . q : 42 is divisible by 5 . r : 42 is divisible by 6 . s : 42 is divisible by 7 . 0 is less than every positive integer and every negative integer . p : 0 is less than every positive integer . ( true ) q : 0 is less than every negative integer ( false )
Please note : Do not think that a statement with “ And ” is always a compound statement .
A mixture of water and rasna is good . Sita is going to watch movie “ Mr and Mrs Iyer ”
Connective OR
A compound statement with an ‘ Or ’ is true when one component statement is true or both the component statements are true .
A compound statement with an ‘ Or ’ is false when both the component statements are false
Eg : I like rose or lily We can go to hyderabad or chennai 6 is a multiple of 3 or 5 . Surat is capital of gujrat or Jharakhand