Maths Class 11 Chapter 14. Mathematical reasoning | Page 2

A sentence is called a mathematically acceptable statement if it is either true or false . Eg
o o o o o
Two plus two equals five . FALSE - Statement The sum of two positive numbers is positive . TRUE : Statement Girls are smarter than boys . Debatable : Not a statement Mathematics is fun . Debatable : Not a statement Exam Fear is a good educational website . Debatable : Not a statement
The denial of a statement is called the negation of the statement . It is false that XXXX .
Statement : Three plus two is Five Negation : < It is false that Three plus two is Five >
Three plus Two is not Five
Statement : Everyone in India peaks Hindi Negation : < It is false that Everyone in India peaks Hindi >
Not Everyone in India speaks Hindi
Statement : India is a democratic country Negation : < It is false that India is a democratic country >
India is not a democratic country
Property of Negation of Statement : If p is a statement , then the negation of p is also a statement and is denoted by ∼ p .
Compound & Component Statement A Compound Statement is a statement which is made up of two or more statements .
Each statement is called a component statement .
Component statement : 7 is an odd number . Component statement : 7 is a prime number . Compound Statement : 7 is both odd and prime number .