Master programmes in Development studies 2017-2018 Development studies | Page 9

Track 1: Governance, Peace and Conflict Track 2: Local Governance and Poverty Reduction The track ‘Governance, Peace and Conflict’ focuses on the actors and factors involved in the governance dimensions of development within the contexts of conflict-prone environments and states that are facing a multitude of reconstruction challenges following violent conflict. The track offers theoretical and contextualised insight into the political economy of governance and development, focusing on the state as a central actor in the development process of a nation. The track also explores critical dimensions, drivers and dynamics of violent conflict, processes of peace and conflict resolution and post-conflict state reconstruction. It adopts a thematic perspective, supplemented by in-depth case studies drawn mainly from SubSaharan Africa. Students receive analytical and policy-oriented tools for carrying out knowledge-based interventions, particularly in environments affected by conflict. The track ‘Local Governance and Poverty Reduction’ focuses on the interaction between transnational, national and local actors in governance processes. Decentralisation has become an important part of the agenda for governance reform and democratisation in many countries. For this reason, it is hardly possible to discuss issues of public-service provision and property rights without due consideration for locallevel institutions and political dynamics. The partial autonomy of local decision-making levels is an integral part of countries that are characterised by weak or fragile nationallevel state structures. It therefore requires careful scrutiny in the conceptualisation and assessment of development initiatives. Special attention is also paid to the dynamics of poverty and the politics of poverty reduction. This track is intended for participants with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds who are professionally active or aspire to careers in conflict-prone environments or postconflict situations or who are interested in policy-oriented research on these topics. Participants should have work experience or academic interest in the public action domain, whether within government institutions (including public research institutions), donor agencies (including international nongovernmental organisations, bilateral and multilateral donors) or civil society (including advocacy groups, research institutes and universities). The track is intended for participants who are professionally active or interested in research on the interface between the transnational, national and local level and/or between state and non-state development actors. Students should have work experience, academic interest or aspire to a career in the public action domain, whether within government institutions (including public research institutions), donor agencies (including international NGOs, bilateral and multilateral donors) or civil society (including research institutes, universities). iob· 9