Master programmes in Development studies 2017-2018 Development studies | Page 10
Master of
Programme Content
The Master in Globalisation and Development
approaches development as the outcome
of intensifying global-to-local-to-global
interactions, and introduces a multi-disciplinary
perspective to analyse associated opportunities
and threats to poverty alleviation and
environmental sustainability in low and middleincome countries at both the national and local
levels. Most of our students are engaged (or
aspire to become engaged) in interventions,
(social) businesses, policy or advocacy that
promote inclusive and sustainable development,
whether as professionals or as researchers.
The objective of the Master programme
is to provide these students with a solid
understanding of the current global
development context in all of its dimensions
(worldwide markets for goods and services,
capital and labour/migration, the planetary
challenge of sustainable development in this
era of environmental crisis/climate change). It
10 · master programmes
offers insight and tools with which to analyse
and improve the impact of the global context
on local development and poverty alleviation
in the global South and vice versa. As such due
consideration is given to the complexity of local–
global interactions in the multifaceted arenas of
Successful students will be able to identify
the opportunities of the evolving global
context, in addition to assessing and
remedying the risks and threats associated
with the globalisation of the sustainable
development challenge. They will also be able
to identify and assess policy and programme
interventions for more effective and adequate
local, national and global development.
Additional skills include the identification and
evaluation of development interventions aimed
at remedying the adverse effects of global
tendencies on sustainable development in
general and on the poorer and weaker groups
in society in particular, thereby aiming to
strengthen the agency of the latter.