Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 60
Everything You Need to Know
by Cielo Panda
Nowadays, our technological world
is filled with gadgets, Artificial
Intelligence, Deep Learning, and
Robots that help make our daily lives
easier. All these are made possible
thanks to the hard work of robotics
engineers. So if you’re planning to be
a robotics engineer, here is a short
overview of what they do and what it
takes to be one.
JULY 2016
Future Cities & Robotics
What is a Robotics Engineer?
A Robotics Engineer is basically an
engineer who specializes in robots.
They are also known as Automation
Engineers, Robotics and Automation
Engineers, or Automation Robotics
They are designers who are
responsible for the creation of
robots and robotic systems that does
work that humans cannot or prefer
not to do. With the help of their
innovations, robotics engineers helps
make different tasks easier, safer and
more efficient.
What are the Necessary Skills to be a
Robotics Engineer?
To be able to become a successful
robotics engineer, one should be
highly-creative with the ability to
think outside the box. After all,
robotic engineers design robots and
robotic systems that can improve a
certain job.
understanding in subjects learned
in school such as advanced
science, and computer science. It
is also important that they enjoy
collaborating with a team, and have
adequate communication skills.
Lastly, since programming new robots
is one of the most challenging part of
robotics engineering, it is important
that one should be an expert in
programming such. Others even get
a degree in software engineering to
expand their robotics engineering
career further.
What does a Robotics Engineer
Particularly do?
Robotics engineers spend most of
Photo by AP