Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 59

LEGO’S MUSICAL BEATBOARDS This year, LEGO will be launching a new line called Beatboards, wherein anyone can use LEGO bricks to create original musical compositions. Touch sensors are built into the baseplate and it registers the resistance formed under the weight of the LEGO bricks and turns those messages into sound. Photo by Wikia THE PROSTHETIC ARM THAT GIVES KIDS LEGO ABILITIES Carlos Arturo, a former LEGO intern, developed the IKO prosthetic arm. It was made especially for children, so they can create custom-built limbs. Torres was inspired by his childhood in Colombia, where many children lost their limbs during armed conflicts. THE PANCAKEBOT Photo by Engadget This clever invention uses pancake batter to draw onto a sizzling griddle. It can create any elaborate shape you want. You’ll never see pancakes the same way again. Photo by YouTube JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics 59