Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 29
NASA scientists have been
searching for liquid water
on mars, and they’ve found
hints. Now, they want to
have a closer look at it. NASA
revealed that the Curiosity
rover will be investigating
recurring slope lineae—
the dark narrow streaks on
the above photo—around
Mars’ Gale Crater hoping to
find water.
It will first take a photo
using its mast camera to
make sure that there really
is water. If it does find
water, the machine will
go and get samples. The
agency is expecting to take
photos within a year.
Photo by: Express
However, finding water
doesn’t mean Curiosity will
find life. As we all know,
Mars’ harsh conditions like
fierce radiation might have
prevented life in the first
place. We may take a look
at this investigation as a
stepping stone for mankind.
By getting results, the
findings Curiosity will collect
may help plan a mission
for finding signs of life. A
small success in this trip may
lead to greater things in the
JULY 2016
Future Cities & Robotics