Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 28

AN AI CAN NOW READ AND ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON NEWS ARTICLES In the future, you may be able to chat with your computer about the daily news headlines, because now, an AI is being taught how to read, analyze and answer questions about a news article accurately. One of Computer Science’s goals is to be able to create AI systems that can learn humanity’s existing information. According to Chris Manning at Standford University, “Computers don’t have the kind of general knowledge and Photo by: Makeuseof 28 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics common sense of how the world works [from reading] about things in novels or watch[ing] sitcoms,” Last year, Google’s DeepMind team got a series of articles from the Daily Mail website and CNN to help train an algorithm, so that it can read and understand short stories. The researchers used the bulleted summaries of the articles to create short and simple questions which trained the algorithm to search for the article key points. Now, a group led by Manning has designed an algorithm that was able to beat DeepMind’s results by 10 percent on the CNN articles and 8 percent for Daily Mail articles. Overall, it got a score of 70 percent. “Some of the stuff they had just causes needless complications. You get rid of that and the numbers go up.” Manning said.