MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 74

Marc Walter English/French . Workshop Residency New Environmental Art Following an overview of the land-art discipline, participants are invited to develop their creativity and use their senses while manipulating various natural elements such as: branches, stones, flowers, fruit, snow, etc. Each workshop is adapted to the school, the site or a subject and results in a collective artwork, a permanent or ephemeral installation, or an exhibition. Create a Landart Installation Marc accompanies the students in the creative process while building a collective monumental landart installation. Gathering and selecting materials, observing, brainstorming, building and a vernissage are all on the menu! GRADES : K - 12/ SEC V MAxIMuM : 30 STuDENTS * Since each project is different, a preliminary consultation with the artist is necessary to determine the exact parameters, the number of participants and number of days required. HALF DAY : ONE 2 ½ HOuR SESSION $305 + HST FuLL DAY : TWO 2 ½ HOuR SESSIONS $405 + HST Materials: dependent on project GRADES : K - 12/ SEC V MAxIMuM : 4 CLASSES PER DAY SuGGESTED DuRATION OF RESIDENCY : 5 FuLL DAYS * $2025 + HST Materials: not included - to be determined according to the project Recognition and usage of lines, textures and shapes; esthetics; conception and production of two- and three-dimensional artworks; observation and analysis of the environment and of the creations; communication of ideas and emotions. CuRRICuLuM LINKS 74 Visual Arts