MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 59

Twin Flames English/French Sharing Stories of unbreakable Spirits New st arti Canadian Folk Music Award Winners for Aboriginal Songwriters of the Year 2016 and 2017 As Twin Flames take listeners on a musical journey across Canada and the Arctic, they echo the voices of their ancestors and depict life on the land. Together, Chelsey June (Métis) and Jaaji (Inuk, Mohawk) represent Inuit, Indigenous and Métis groups in Canada. Their songs are written in English, French and Inuktitut. Through music they share the beauty of their cultures and incorporate both traditional and western instruments. This interactive show features original songs, thought-provoking stories, Inuit throat singing and Indigenous instruments (Traditional Hand Drum and Spirit Flute). For younger audiences, Twin Flames are joined by their puppet friends Tulugaq (Raven), Okpik (Owl), Nanuq (Polar Bear) and Nattiq (Seal), as they explain how animals and nature play a vital role in survival. Older audiences will learn about realities that Inuit and Indigenous people face today and historical moments that led to a changed way of life, through stories and songs. GRADES : K - 12/ SEC V MAxIMuM : 300 STuDENTS ONE 1 HOuR PERFORMANCE : $715 + HST TWO PERFORMANCES : SAME SCHOOL , SAME DAY $1065 + HST CuRRICuLuM LINKS Understand the rich diversity of Inuit, Indigenous and Métis cultures in Canada; gain an appreciation, through an interactive musical experience, for their cultures and the use of both traditional and western instruments; explore the realities of life as an Inuit and Indigenous person both historically and present day. Music 59