MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 58

Sultans of String Available May 6 - 10, 2019 English/French Performance (2 artists) ble a l i a v a Now French “Canada is a real meeting place of musical influences from around the world”, says violinist Chris McKhool. Sultans of String, 2017 JUNO Award nominee, deliver a concert that transcends categorization, mixing Spanish flamenco, Arabic folk, East Coast Celtic and Gypsy-jazz. Music has the ability to bring people and cultures together in a way that emulates what we love to see in the world. It creates a collaboration that breaks down the barriers that divide us, helps us to see our common humanity and provides a model for peace. Performances include one free CD GRADES : K - 12/ SEC V MAxIMuM : 350 STuDENTS ONE PERFORMANCE : 50 MINuTES (incl. Q & A) $665 + HST CuRRICuLuM LINKS Demonstrate an awareness of the elements of musical forms and traditions of diverse times, places and communities; identify the elements used in music and describe how they are used; analyze some historical or cultural influences on style, genre and innovation in music. 58 Music in