MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 55

Chris McKhool Available: November 12 – 16, 2018 Performances Celebrate! Holidays of the Global Village Celebrate the diverse multicultural mosaic of Canada with JUNO Award nominee Chris McKhool! Songs about Bodhi Day, Chanukah, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Diwali, Eid al-Fitr, Kwanzaa, Ramadan and Winter Solstice become a vibrant window into many cultures. Earth, Seas and Air Chris McKhool gets students clapping, singing, and talking about taking care of the Earth. Featuring songs from his appearances on Mr. Dressup and Treehouse, Chris takes his audience beyond the 3 R’s of ecology to a new level of understanding our global ecological connection to forests, air, water and animals. 100% fun! Performances include one free CD GRADES : K - 6 MAxIMuM : 300 STuDENTS ONE PERFORMANCE : 50 MINuTES (incl. Q & A) $495 + HST $850 + HST $880 + HST TWO PERFORMANCES : SAME SCHOOL IN ONE HALF DAY TWO PERFORMANCES : SAME SCHOOL IN ONE DAY CuRRICuLuM LINKS Celebrating diversity through music; respect for environment/life systems; introduction to folk instruments, Character Education: caring, leadership, responsibility, respect and teamwork. Photo: Da rren Leva nt Music 55