and enjoy the virtual chatter between hunters that were and still are far more seasoned than myself. I can honestly say that in those eight and a half months, from the end of the 2009 bow season to the beginning of the 2010 season, I must have visited MWC at least 5 times a day. I would go back and scroll through old threads for snippets of valuable information, and there is just a ton of information that you guys have all covered. I would make mental notes of situations presented by the many honorable members of MWC, both those that ended with celebratory pictures as well as those that ended with hunters scratching their heads, wondering what in the world could have happened.
I took that time to soak up as much information as possible. I learned what it meant to become a truly ethical hunter. I shot 3-D on a weekly basis throughout the summer at Anne Arundel Archers in an attempt to become proficient with my bow (BH4life, deuce, hogmeat, and hammerdog would laugh at the previous statement). I learned to recognize key signs, like funnels, pinch points, bedding areas, scrapes, rubs, etc. Just as well, and just as vital as the rest, I learned the importance of off-season scouting. Those eight months of deer hunter boot camp culminated with me harvesting my first big game animal: a doe with a double lung 27 yard shot at 8:28 a.m. on opening morning, 2010. I have since harvested a couple of different does, but none have I worked so hard for than that very first one.
In my 2 years of being a member of MWC, I have “seen” more selfless acts of generosity than I could possibly remember. MWC is so full of people who honestly try to reach out to "strangers" in their times of need, generously offering support on issues expanding far beyond that of any virtual deer camp. Ranging from the deaths of our dearest loved ones (human and pet), cracked bow limbs, flooded basements, job loss, pregnancy, stolen vehicles, and everything few and far in between. So many of you provide encouragement and information to those of us that unfortunately got a late start on our first few steps into the world of deer hunting.
For that, I would be remiss to not personally thank each and every one of you.
To the people of MWC: I thank you very much.