Issue Number 06 | March 2020
Mindfulness is paying more attention to the
present moment – to your own thoughts and
feelings, and to the world around you – in
order to improve your mental wellbeing.
In order to become more mindful, we should
take more notice of thoughts, feelings, body
sensations and the world around you.
There are a number of apps which help
people gain a better understanding of
mindfulness and promoting positive mental
health that can be found on our school
Social distancing is probably the wrong
name for it… it should probably be called
physical distancing.
We can still be social! Talk to your friends,
family, loved ones. Use video calls. Have a
get together on Zoom!
If you’re worried about your friend, then
remember to #AskTwice
Check in with your teachers – say ‘Hi’ – it’ll
make their day!
If you’re concerned about your own, or
your friend’s wellbeing, please get in
touch with your guidance teacher. You
can contact them through the school
email [email protected]