Marr College Newsletter 05 | 页面 6

Issue Number 05 | January 2020 #DigiInventors Challenge Awards Ceremony Last year a group of our S3 students were delighted at being crowned the national winners of the #DigiInventors Challenge! Their winning app, ‘Shake it up’ allows students to order their lunch via an app and also encourages healthy meal choices by rewarding students with house points and prizes. Having worked with industry experts, SwarmOnline, to develop their app the team were invited to an awards ceremony hosted by the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI). They will also take part in a Skype call with Andy Murray in the coming months! The award ceremony took place last month in the University of Strathclyde in the Technology and Innovation Centre. The team had the opportunity to showcase their prototype app to the audience which included industry experts, health care professionals, the DHI, MSPs and included representatives from across Scotland. The team were accompanied by Miss Wyllie (Business Education) and Mr Docherty (Head Teacher) the students were a credit to the school and gave an engaging presentation about their product. 5 The team were delighted at winning an iPad, iPencil and Andy Murray Under Armour sports tops each as well as £2,000 for the school. The group were awarded their prizes by Ivan McKee (MSP). Our S3 students are keen to continue to spread the word about their app and Diana Hekerem who is the Head of Transformational Redesign at Health Improvement Scotland’s (HIS) ihub has kindly offered to act as their mentor after seeing them present. For more information see @MarrBusiness and @DigiInventors.