Marr College Newsletter 05 | Page 21

Issue Number 04 | November 2019 Mental Health Ambassadors Well done to the team! The Mental Health Ambassadors are always looking for new recruits from S3-6, if you are interested in joining then please contact Mr Bell (SSDT & Physics) and Miss Walker (SSDT & Music) who lead the group. New Recruits Welcome! Our Mental Health Ambassadors have been an asset to the school and have set up lunchtime drop-in sessions for students and staff for anyone looking to talk or find out some advice on mental well-being. They were also nominated for the South Ayrshire Youth Forum Awards because of their efforts in school and across the local authority. Kindness Calendar “Marr College Mental Health ambassadors have worked tirelessly to help promote Positive Mental Health within the school, cluster and community. Comprising of a small group of senior pupils they have helped break the stigma related with mental health through PSE inputs, staff training and raising awareness events. Throughout the month of December Personal Support classes were following the Kindness Calendar which was displayed in all classrooms. The aim was to spread some kindness throughout the school by doing things like leaving a post-it note for someone to find with a kind comment on it, doing something helpful for a friend of family member or congratulating someone for an achievement that may go unnoticed. To view the website Action for Happiness click on the copy of the calendar below. They have helped create a safe environment for young people to discuss Mental Health with their peers. The pupils have been involved in helping establish the new mental health locality partnership across the Troon/Prestwick area ensuring all partners work together to help improve young people's mental health. They are also instrumental in the school, working towards the South Ayrshire Youth Forum Say It Out Loud charter.” Mr Bell (SSDT) 20