Issue Number 05 | January 2020
Head Teacher’s
Dear Parent/Carer,
Inside this issue:
Children in Need
#DigiInventors Challenge
Award Ceremony
School Show Auditions
Mental Health
South Ayrshire Youth
Forum Awards
Malawi Partnership
Jewellery Club
Photography Club
IDEA Award
PwC School Visit
And much more!
The new term is well underway at
Marr College and I am delighted
to share with you the many news
contained within this newsletter.
Particular mention must be given
to the whole school fundraising
efforts during the festive period,
including the fantastic work of
our S2 Micro-Tyco and S6
Leadership groups.
I am pleased to see that almost
all young people are wearing
school uniform and, importantly,
are wearing their school tie. This
continues to be a focus
throughout the term and we
ongoing support.
As I write this introduction, our
senior students are coming to
the end of their prelim exams
and I would like to congratulate
them on their excellent conduct
throughout this time. Lots of hard
work and commitment will be
required in the coming weeks
and months to ensure everyone
is prepared to achieve their best
in the final SQA exams.
Supported Study timetables will
be issued soon and I strongly
recommend that students take
up this offer as much as possible.
Last term, over 120 students
helped to review our school
vision and values during a
student conference and we
have now gathered the views of
staff and young people on the
values that are important to
them. Our next steps this term
will be to consult with parents
and community partners,
agree our shared vision and
values for the school and
launch these in the summer
term. A group of young
people and staff will also visit
a local design studio to
create a range of graphics
to promote our vision and
S1 and S2 classes continue
to help keep their local
participating in weekly litter
picks around the school.
The groups complete a
weekly survey and have
noticed an increase in litter
around the paths to and
from some of the local
shops. I would appreciate
your support in encouraging
your child to dispose of their
litter in the bins provided,
particularly if they purchase
lunch out with school. Our
catering team continue to
lunches for all – take a look
at their weekly menu here.
I hope you enjoy reading
our newsletter.
updates on school activities
can be found on our Twitter
feed @MarrColOfficial and
in the local press.
Best wishes.
George Docherty
Head Teacher