Marr College June Newsletter 2022 16 | Page 9

Young Enterprise
S2 – The Apprentice Challenge
Issue Number 16 | June 2022

Young Enterprise

Delighted to hear from Glasgow Kelvin College that they have completed the marking and verification of the Young Enterprise Scotland SCQF Level 6 qualification this year and that our 7 Young Enterprise students achieved a pass . Well done to Aidan D , Laurie , Kacey , Rory , Aidan K , Logan and Andrew ! Their certificates will be winging their way to them shortly .

S2 – The Apprentice Challenge

S2 Business Education students have been taking part in The Apprentice Challenge . They were working in teams to use their Business skills to compete in one of the Apprentice tasks from the popular TV show . They were tasked with creating a toothbrush and game / app for primary age children . Students felt they could do better than the contestants on the show and we would have to agree ! We were delighted with the variety of different designs and marketing ideas that students came up with . Below you can see the winning team from each class and examples of their toothbrush designs . Well done !
After the designs were shared on social media we have had other schools contact us to try the task out with their own students ! Watch out Sir Alan Sugar !