Marr College June Newsletter 2022 16 | Page 15

S2 Girls Inspire Sports Day
Issue Number 16 | June 2022

S2 Girls Inspire Sports Day

Written by Miss Forsyth
On Friday 20th May , Miss Forsyth organised and held an Inspire Sports Day for all S2 Girls . As a department we are keen to increase young people ’ s awareness of staying active , through encouraging and engaging them in new and current activities that they can later attend / enjoy outside of school .
Girls participated in six activities across the day with sports leaders coming in to deliver from across the region . Activities included ; CrossFit , Netball , Dance , Kettlebells , Martial Arts and Football . It was a great success with S2 Girls enjoying their day and trying activities they may not have tried before . As well as the S2 Girls , teachers and our senior student leaders even got involved in the day !
We were kindly donated water and snacks from Morrisons to support the day .