Issue Number 18 | December 2022
Vocational Burst – Care
Thirteen S2 pupils experienced a 6- week Vocational Burst into the Care Sector . Visiting delivery from Ayrshire College lecturers , provided learners with a range of activities to experience what it is like to work in the care industry including healthcare , nursing , care in the community and care for the elderly . On the final session , pupils enjoyed an insight session at Ayrshire College ( Ayr Campus ) to experience what it ’ s like on campus and practise using a range of learning resources from the Health and Social Care College curriculum .
Fourteen S2 / 3 pupils experienced a 6-week Vocational Burst into the Cooking Sector . Visiting delivery from Ayrshire College lecturers , provided learners with a range of activities to experience what it is like to work in the hospitality industry including cooking , customer service , barista and healthy eating . On the final session , pupils enjoyed an insight session at Ayrshire College ( Ayr Campus ) to cook a delicious main course of Griddled Cajun Chicken Skewers with Creamy Cajun Sauce , Rice and Salad .
“ The cooking experience at Ayr College was really fun . All of it was fun . I really enjoyed cooking the chicken on the griddle . I had to make sure the temperature inside the chicken was 75 degrees , before serving . Stuart , our head chef ( College Lecturer ) was really helpful and taught us lots of skills in the kitchen – including how to sharpen a knife . I think I might want to be a chef when I leave school ” ( S3 Pupil )
Vocational Burst - Cooking