Marr College April Newsletter 2022 15 | Page 13

Issue Number 15 | April 2022
Written by Sophie Abbott , S3

Young Weir-Wise-Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls

Olivia Dearing and Rachel Fisher in S2 have been successful in their application for the University of Strathclyde ’ s “ Young Weir-Wise-Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls ” event – a hugely popular event with stiff competition for places . For more info see : https :// www . strath . ac . uk / engineering / outreach / weir-wise /
They are well on their way to achieving their Third Level Young STEM Leader Award along with a pleasing number of fellow S2 candidates following a successful pilot of the Award . The girls were interviewed about the process :
Q : What actually is the Young Weir-Discovering Engineering with Girls programme ? A : At the start we were given a lab kit and we went through learning courses with lecturers telling us what to do Q : What was your favourite part and why ? A : Listening to the lecturers and learning lots of new things . Q : When did it start ? A : In January when we came back to school after applying in around September . Q : What happens next ? A : Letting other people learn more about it in different year groups . We will be teaching them and running different activities
House Assemblies Return
Written by Eve Millar , S3 House Assemblies are up and running again and started back on Monday 21st February 2022 . The main focus of these assemblies will be positivity and sharing achievements with your house group . These will include the colours certificates being given out to the lucky winners . School Colours are a way for us all at Marr to be recognised for our achievements . A large number of our pupils put themselves forward for these awards . The categories are Academic , Music , Wider Achievement and Sport . Congratulations to all of our Award Recipients !
Physics - Tweets of the Term !
The Physics Department have been hard at work this term – lots of fantastic experiments and lessons happening across each year group . To view a collection of some of the department ’ s top tweets click on the image above . To follow them on Twitter , go to @ MarrPhysics