MARKtoe! AUGUSTUS 2023 Uitgawe 107 | страница 38

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Most cannabis farmers are not keen to chat to the media . The reason : they believe thieves will learn of their whereabouts and steal the harvest . The counter-argument is this : firstly , dagga thieves don ’ t read this magazine and secondly , they already know where the crops are located and when the right time will be to strike .

Graham is part of a group that legally farms cannabis for the production of medicinal products .

“ Cannabis farming – illegal farming , that is – used to be huge in South Africa . But then the government got involved . However , in 2019 , due to COVID-19 , there have been delays in the legalising of cannabis farming , but we are making progress .”

“ The female plants , when looked after properly , and with solid buds , are the ones that will bring in the money .”

1 . Feminised cannabis seeds are used to grow these impressive buds .
38 MARKtoe ! Augustus 2023